Unveiling the Science:

Why Micro-Needling Treatment Should Not Cause Bleeding


Micro-needling, a revolutionary skincare treatment, has gained tremendous popularity in recent years due to its ability to rejuvenate and revitalise the skin. However, there is a common misconception that micro-needling must cause bleeding to be effective. In this blog post, we aim to debunk this myth and shed light on why micro-needling treatments should not cause bleeding. So, let's delve into the science behind this innovative procedure and understand why bleeding is not a necessary component for successful outcomes.

why micro needling should not bleed

Understanding Micro-Needling:

Micro-needling, also known as collagen induction therapy, involves a device equipped with fine needles that create tiny punctures in the skin. These micro-injuries stimulate the skin's natural healing response, resulting in collagen production, improved texture, and reduced signs of aging. Contrary to popular belief, the efficacy of micro-needling is not directly linked to causing bleeding.

The Depth of Needle Penetration:

One crucial aspect to consider is the depth of needle penetration during a micro-needling treatment. Professional aestheticians and dermatologists precisely adjust the needle length depending on the specific skin concerns being addressed. By controlling the depth of penetration, it is possible to achieve desired results without causing bleeding.

Avoiding Blood Vessels:

Careful consideration is given to the location of blood vessels beneath the skin during a micro-needling procedure. Skilled practitioners ensure that the needles only reach the desired depth, effectively stimulating collagen production, without causing significant damage to blood vessels. This meticulous approach helps minimize the risk of bleeding.

Sterilization and Hygiene:

To ensure safety and prevent complications, micro-needling devices are always sterilized and handled with utmost hygiene. This practice reduces the probability of infection and ensures a safe treatment environment. A clean and sterile procedure minimizes the chances of bleeding as well.

Pain and Comfort:

Micro-needling treatments are generally well-tolerated by patients, causing minimal discomfort.

The devices used often feature advanced technologies such as adjustable speed, vibration, and numbing creams to enhance comfort during the procedure. By using these techniques, clinicians can maintain a painless experience for patients, further reducing the likelihood of bleeding.

Post-Treatment Care:

The effectiveness of micro-needling lies not only in the treatment itself but also in the post-treatment care. Clinicians provide patients with specific guidelines to follow after the procedure, including gentle cleansing, moisturizing, and sun protection. Proper post-treatment care helps the skin heal optimally, without bleeding or other complications.


Micro-needling is a highly effective and safe treatment for skin rejuvenation, and contrary to popular belief, it should not cause bleeding. By understanding the science behind micro-needling and the precision involved in the procedure, we can debunk the misconception that bleeding is necessary for its efficacy. With proper depth control, meticulous attention to blood vessels, and adherence to sterilization protocols, micro-needling can provide remarkable results without compromising safety or comfort. So, embrace this innovative skincare solution, confident in the knowledge that bleeding is not a prerequisite for achieving a healthy, radiant complexion.