Skin Pigmentation Treatment

Hyperpigmentation, unwanted blemishes, dark spots & freckles.

The number one cause of premature ageing of the skin is sun damage from UV exposure. It results in increased collagen breakdown. Also, excess melanin is stimulated, resulting in more visible pigmentation on the skin in the form of freckles, age spots and sunspots. Wearing a minimum SPF 30+ when outdoors will greatly reduce this visible sign of ageing but most of us have at least one or more sunspots or discolourations we would love to get rid of. This is the most advance pigmentation treatment in Southsea.

IPL for Pigmentation, how..?

Pigmentation happens primarily due to the melanin that is produced by melanocytes in the skin, in response to UV exposure. After the light from the IPL is absorbed by the brown pigmented lesion, the heat energy shatters the pigment and is removed either by absorption through the body’s lymphatic system or is lifted to the top layers of the skin where the pigment crusts and flakes off.
For facial vein removal click here.
Pigmentation removal
If this is your first pigmentation removal treatment, please book a consultation.

Ready to boost your confidence?!

The first step is to schedule a consultation with one of our skin specialist online or within our beauty salon on Castle Road, Southsea. We will assess your skin condition, determine the type and depth of pigmentation, and discuss your expectations and desired outcomes. This step is crucial as it helps customise the pigmentation removal according to your specific needs.
Morning Moisturiser
Before the IPL treatment, it's important to prepare your skin properly. This may involve avoiding direct sun exposure for a few weeks, using sunscreen diligently, and refraining from certain skincare products that may sensitise your skin such as acid peeling, microdermabrasion or waxing.
Pigmentation removal
During the actual IPL session, you will be provided with protective eyewear to shield your eyes from the intense light. We will then apply a cooling gel to your skin to minimise discomfort. A Lynton IPL device emitting pulses of light will be gently pressed against your skin, targeting areas of pigmentation. The light energy is absorbed by the pigmented cells, causing them to break down and eventually fade away.
Facial massage
Once the IPL treatment is complete, your skin may appear slightly red or sensitive, similar to a mild sunburn. We will provide you with post-treatment guidelines, which may include avoiding direct sunlight, applying soothing creams or ointments, and using gentle skincare products. It's crucial to follow these instructions to ensure proper healing and minimize the risk of complications. Multiple IPL sessions may be required, spaced several weeks apart, to achieve the desired results.

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Before and after

Took us only 3 treatments to achieve this .

Frequently asked questions

Everything you need to know about IPL and Pigmentation Removal
How does IPL work?
How is the Treatment carried out?
Am I suitable for the Treatment?
How does.the Treatment feel?
What should I expect after the Treatment?
What are the side effects?
How many treatments are necessary?