Skin Rejuvenation

Over the course of your lifetime, your skin goes through a lot. Acting as a shield to protect internal organs, tissue, muscle, blood vessels and veins, the epidermis – the top layer of skin– is the first point of contact for most external elements; it’s only natural that old, tired-looking skin is one of the first signs of aging.

Skin Rejuvenation?

Intense Pulsed Light Skin Rejuvenation offers a solution for all the visible signs of ageing caused by sun damage, such as brown spots (pigmentation), redness (thread veins) and uneven skin texture (collagen). Why don't you combine skin rejuventaion with micro-needling for an Ulitmate experiance?
If this is you first treatment, please book a consultation.
IPL face rejuvenation

Boost your confidence?!

Never had a IPL treatment with us before? You would need to come for a consultation, where we discuss all the elements of your treatment and expalin how you prepare your skin before after your treatment.
IPL consultation
You will need to fill up a couple.of forms before your treatment to ensure that you have no allergies, or any other skin conditions which would prevent you to have a treatment. But don't worry you can do it online and takes less than 5 minutes.
IPL face rejuvenation
IPL  has the unique ability to stimulate the natural collagen below the skins surface. When it reaches the skin’s surface, the new collagen clearly decreases fine lines and wrinkles, improves skin tone and reduces pore size, giving the skin a visibly smoother and firmer texture.Thus giving the skin a more youthful fresh appearance in a natural way; gently toning down the signs of ageing. This new alternative to the more expensive and severe approaches of botox and surgical facelifts is rapidly growing in popularity.
Facial massage
Avoid direct Sunlight- This is the most important advice to follow. Please don't go to Spain or anywhere sunny at least for a week after your treatment. Always use high SPF.
Use skincare products but avoid harsh, irritating creams, peels.
Don't exfoliate but moistersise reguallary. We have a great selection of products you can use after your treatments, all available in our Salon.

Would you like to book an individual treatment
upgrade it to a session?

Before and after

Took us only 4 treatments to achieve this .

Frequently asked questions

Everything you need to know about IPL and Pigmentation Removal
How does IPL work?
How is the IPL treatment carried out?
Am I suitable for the Treatment?
How does the Treatment feel?
What should I expect after the Treatment?
What are the side effects?
How many treatments are necessary?