Facial Vein Removal

Facial thread veins may seem permanent, but they can actually be effectively removed with the use of laser technology. At Skinportant we understand that facial veins can negatively impact your self-confidence. That’s why we offer solutions for everyone.

IPL for veins removal?

Intense Pulsed Light can provide a long term solution to facial vein problems such as red flushing (Rosacea), thread veins and red spots as well as unsightly leg veins, with minimal downtime or risk in just a few quick and easy treatments.
For pigmentation, unwanted blemishes, dark spots & freckles removal click here.
If this is your first facial vein removal treatment, please book a consultation.
Facial veins

Ready to boost your confidence!?

The first step is to schedule a consultation with us in our Southsea Salon.  During this session, your skin will be assessed, and the facial veins you wish to target will be evaluated. We will determine if you are a suitable candidate for IPL facial vein removal and discuss the expected results and any potential risks.
Morning Face
Before the facial vein removal treatment, it is crucial to prepare your skin properly. This typically involves avoiding excessive sun exposure and tanning beds, as well as discontinuing the use of certain skincare products, such as retinol, for a specified period.  
IPL facial vein removal
Once your skin is prepared, the IPL treatment session can begin. You will be provided with special goggles to protect your eyes from the intense light. We will then apply a cooling gel to your skin to enhance comfort during the procedure. A handheld device emitting pulses of intense light will be carefully passed over the targeted areas, such as the facial veins. The light energy is absorbed by the blood vessels, causing them to heat up and eventually collapse.
Facial massage
After the IPL treatment, we may apply a soothing gel or cream to your skin to minimise any potential redness or swelling. You will be given specific post-treatment instructions to follow, which may include avoiding direct sunlight, using sunscreen such as Lynton Light Protect SPF and gentle skincare routines. Over the following days and weeks, the targeted veins will gradually fade, and you should start to notice improved skin appearance.

Before and after

Only took us 3 vein removal treatments.

Frequently asked questions

Everything you need to know vein removal Treatments
Can all type of vein be treated?
How does IPL work?
Am I suitable for the Treatment?
How does the Treatment feel?
What should I expect after the Treatment?
What are the side effects?
How many treatments are necessary?